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Part 4 - Brand Personality.

Creating a brand

The makings of brand identity.

You’re on the home stretch! First, thanks for taking this brand journey with me over the last 4 weeks – we’ve covered a lot! If you’ve been with us the whole time, we talked about the foundation of your brand in week one. In week two, we dove into your brand purpose. Last week we covered brand positioning, and this week we move into brand personality to conclude the series. With a defined brand personality, you can move into finalizing your brand’s identity. Through the proper use of typefaces, thoughtful color selections, and a fitting mark or logo, a relatable brand identity comes to life.

What is your brand?

Is your brand fun and carefree, or upscale and serious? Is it luxury, or is it affordable to everyone? In the questions that follow, you’ll begin the process of determining who your brand caters to and what you want people to feel when they see it. These questions are designed to help you build a brand identity that people can understand and connect with.

Let’s get started!

Brand Personality.

1. How do you like your brand written? Ex. BrandFirm | Brandfirm | Brand Firm

2. What feeling are you trying to invoke?

3. Do you have a tag line?

4. What is your primary message, or what is your mission? Do you have a mission statement?

5. How do you like people to perceive your company? When we talk about how you want people to perceive your company and what feelings you are trying to invoke, we’ll deploy design to help facilitate this perception. In the graphic below, you’ll notice two ads. One of them flows more naturally and makes you feel in tune with the ad, while the other doesn’t mesh as well. The same concept is utilized to build your brand and logo. Defining the emotions you are trying to invoke, while mixing in the mission statement and desired perception, is how we arrive at a logo, advertising, and branding that make sense to your viewers.

Marketing emotions - good and bad.  Ex. 1

Marketing emotions - good and bad.  Ex. 2

6. Share five adjectives that describe your company.

7. Are there images or icons that you feel relate to your company?

8. Do you have any color preferences? Do you dislike certain colors?

9. Circle or highlight the words below that identify your brand. If you think of others, add them.













Laid back









Cutting edge


Thanks again for joining me on this discovery. Branding and proper marketing can be a daunting task for small business owners, especially if you have no experience with it.

Now for the commercial – this is where Brandfirm comes in! And guess what?! If you’ve been doing the steps over the last 4 weeks, you’ve already begun the task of working with Brandfirm. I invite you to call to setup a free consultation with me to go over your brand and marketing goals. At that meeting I’ll give you a good idea of what it will take to get us going. With a solid brand foundation, we’re taking out the guess work on building a strong marketing starting line. From here, we would take the information you’ve been collecting and begin forming the rest of your brand identity. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask any questions! I’m more than happy to sit with you and discuss the next steps and give you a rough idea of the cost to complete your branding for you.

Here are some key points about working with Brandfirm

• You’ll know where your branding & marketing project is 24/7/365. I pride myself on communication; you will not be in the dark. One of the most frustrating aspects of using an agency is perhaps writing the check and not having a clue what is going on. Brandfirm uses a client project portal which gives you up to the minute status and detailed notes on what is happening with your project.

• No contracts

• No minimum commitment

• No cancellation fee

• Affordable monthly fee ($535 per month)

• I will take care of your social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN, G+, and more)

Here are some other things we’ll take care of for you –

• Logo design & implementation

• Collateral design (business cards, flyers, etc.)

• Social profile design & setup (this stuff is important)

• Website design

• Product photography if you need it

• Anything else you can dream up in the marketing & advertising arena (except sign spinning)

Click here to download the Brandfirm Service Overview, and please call with any questions!

For more in-depth help with branding and marketing -

Email or call (602) 679-0198

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